Geeky Valentines with NerdiPop 2024
We’re finally in February (the month of love) and Valentine’s Day is here! Herewith the NerdiPop top 30 Geeky Valentines Cards and sayings for 2024. So what are you waiting for – Get your Romantic Geek on!
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You light up my heart
Even during a Zombie Apocalypse, I’d still chews you.
You complete me
You are the root of my binary tree
Are you half-alive Voldemort? Cause you’re always in the back of my mind.
Are you a target? Cause I miss you
Nothing can EXTERMINATE our love.
You’re the Obi-Wan for me.
I think you‘re suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.
I think of U periodically.
I love you Oodles.
Are you a Dementor? Cause you take my breath away.
R4 is Red. R2 is Blue. If I was the force, then I’d be with YOU.
I am the droid you are looking for.
You’re a keeper.
Plumbers are red. Hedgehogs are blue. Push start to join and be my player 2.
Baby, you’re the 20 on my d20.
Charmeleon is red, Squirtle is blue. If I were a trainer, I’d choose you!
Hello Sweetie!
For you I would travel all levels around the world.
Were you forged by Sauron? Because you sure look precious.
You touch my heart.
You are the CSS to my HTML.
NerdiPop Fun Fact Cards!