Home Alone: A Festive Classic Filled with Hilarious Holiday Laughter
In the holiday classic, Home Alone released in 1990, eight-year-old Kevin McCallister, portrayed by Macaulay Culkin, finds himself in an unexpected adventure when his misbehavior the night before a family trip to Paris leads to him being banished to the attic by his mother, played by Catherine O'Hara. In the chaos of getting ready for the airport, the McCallisters unknowingly leave for Paris without Kevin. When Kevin wakes up to an empty house, he initially revels in the freedom, believing his wish for a family-free existence has come true. However, Kevin's joy turns to apprehension when he discovers that two
Five of the most beautiful, enchanting and magical Fairy Tale Movies
We all love fairy tales! They’ve been a part of our childhood, and we still can’t get enough of them. Here is our the top five fairy tale-inspired movies that you shouldn’t miss. From Angelina Jolie as Maleficent to Drew Barrymore as Cinderella, these movies have reimagined the classic fairy tales in their unique way, making them a must-watch for all fairy tale lovers. Check out our awesome merch. Not in the mood to read? Watch the video here. #1. Maleficent (2014) Based on the fairy tale - Sleeping Beauty. Get ready to enter the enchanting world of Maleficent! This